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Sports Chiropractic at Family Health Professionals Helensvale

Whether you’re a footy player, an avid CrossFitter, weekend cyclist or other type of athlete, you want your body to be in peak condition so you can enjoy your favourite sport. At Family Health Professionals Helensvale, we provide natural chiropractic care to athletes of all ages and levels.

“I’ve looked after many elite sportspeople, and the only reason they’re able to maintain an elite function is by ensuring that their biomechanics and their neurology are working properly,” said Dr Hennessy (Chiropractor). His focus is not only addressing injuries but also about just making sure that the neurology and the mechanics are working as efficiently as possible.

kettle bell planksOur chiropractor has witnessed the effects of chiropractic on elite athletes. “I’ve seen elite swimmers, who after six weeks of chiropractic care, had gone from being someone who struggles to make a final in the age nationals to somebody who medals and achieves their personal best in all of their events,” he said.

How Chiropractic Could Benefit Athletes

Chiropractic care may

  • Relieve pain
  • Help prevent injuries
  • Improve range of motion and function
  • Address injuries
  • Improve performance

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you see athletes of all ages?

Yes, we have provided care for athletes across the spectrum, from secondary school and university athletes to AFL competitors and weekend warriors.

What are the most common types of sports injuries you see at your clinic?

Patients seeking sports chiropractic come in with various injuries including sprains, strains, plantar fasciitis and shin splints.

Could chiropractic help decrease my reliance on pain medication?

It may. If you find yourself regularly taking OTC or prescription pain medication and would like to try a natural approach to relieve your pain, we hope that you consider chiropractic care.

Get Started Today!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor. Discover how our affordable chiropractic care could help you be at your athletic best.


Sports Chiropractic Helensvale, Gold Coast, Pacific Pines, Maudsland, Oxenford QLD | (07) 5519 4500