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Children’s Chiropractic at Family Health Professionals Helensvale

girl with dandelionYou may wonder why a child could benefit from chiropractic care. After all, they likely don’t suffer from back pain as adults do. But think about the importance of staking a tree after you plant it. Why do you do that? Well, during the first few years that a tree grows, if you stake it, then you’ll have a straight and beautiful tree.

Childbirth can be very traumatic for the child as well as the mother. As a result, children may present with mechanical disfunction from a very young age. I believe that by addressing any issues early you can prevent them developing into negative mechanical patterns that have the potential to manifest throughout the rest of their life,”
said Dr Hennessy (Chiropractor).

The Role of the Adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment has the ability to remove interference from a child’s nervous system so they have a better opportunity to develop optimally through childhood. While chiropractic doesn’t treat or cure anything, it may help your infant, child or teen experience improved health.

How Do You Adjust Children?

Very gently! Dr Hennessy (Chiropractor) generally uses an Activator instrument, which adjusts lightly. He also may do some gentle cranial sacral work. Younger children will often simply stay asleep during the adjustment because it is such a relaxing experience. The older kids are usually completely comfortable when they have an adjustment because they seem to just know that it’s helping them.

Typically children heal quickly so they rarely require frequent treatments. Parents often bring their children in and say “they need an adjustment”. The parents very quickly see the correlation between the adjustment and how their child is functioning.

In addition to chiropractic care, nutrition plays a critical role in optimising a child’s health. Think about fuel for a high-end automobile. You wouldn’t buy a brand new motor car and find the petrol station in your local area that sells the dirtiest and cheapest petrol. Instead, you want to fuel your new car with high-grade fuel so it operates at its peak. The foods that goes into your child’s body has an enormous effect on how they function.

Whenever I work with children I am focused on the immediate mechanical and neurological issues as well as potential nutritional influences” said Dr Hennessy (Chiropractor).

According to our Chiropractor, there has been substantial research over the last decade looking at the interrelationship between the neurology of the gut and the brain. This is because of the fact that the gut and the brain are both formed from the same somatic tissue and work in synergy with each other.
When the brain and body are nourished through sound nutrition, your child could experience an improvement in not just physical health but mental health as well.

Dr Hennessy uses Kinesiology to test for food sensitivity or reactions. He can provide parents with some simple guidelines to implement in their child’s diet. Dr Hennessy helps parents understand the significant effects certain foods can have on their child’s health. It is most common to see massive improvements in health when certain foods are removed from the diet. The specialised kinesiology testing focuses on an individuals health and although Dr Hennessy will often see common ingredients that can cause problems, the results are always very specific to each person. The Kinesiology technique is a non-invasive and safe testing protocol. No pin pricks, no needles, just gentle muscle testing which mum and dad can even help with.

Discover How Chiropractic Could Help Your Child!

We want to help your child experience the best health possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr Hennessy (Chiropractor)!


Children’s Chiropractic Helensvale, Gold Coast, Pacific Pines, Maudsland, Oxenford QLD | (07) 5519 4500